Living Green Barrie

Organization Type: Animals & Environment
Address: 65 Cedar Pointe Drive, Barrie, Ontario L4N 9R3

Living Green Barrie Logo

Mission: Living Green Barrie’s mission is to guide citizens, businesses and local leaders toward actions that foster sustainability and resilience in our community.

About Living Green Barrie: Formally known as Environmental Action, Living Green Barrie is a registered charity celebrating its 30th Anniversary this year. For three decades, Living Green has been Barrie’s go-to environmental organization. With support from grants, sponsors, donors, and a great deal of volunteer efforts, we have initiated projects and programs that have made Barrie a cleaner and greener city. We started Barrie’s first plastics recycling program, initiated the annual Spring into Clean events, and installed the first Community Garden, just to highlight a few.

Living Green Barrie’s Volunteer Opportunities

Living Green Barrie- Bingo Volunteer

Organization: Living Green Barrie
Category: Other Positions
Description: Volunteering for Living Green Barrie at Delta Bingo is a rewarding and impactful way to give back to the community. By dedicating just a couple of hours each month, you can contribute to …Read More
The only truly happy man is always a fighting optimist. Optimism includes not only altruism but also social responsibility, social courage and objectivity.
W. Beran Wolfe

Contact Living Green Barrie

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65 Cedar Pointe Drive, Barrie, Ontario L4N 9R3

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