Everest Cemetery

Organization Type: Fundraising, Grant Making & Foundations
Address: 18 Northpark Rd, Barrie, Ontario L4m2j3
Contact: Mat Robinson
Everest Cemetery Logo

Everest Cemetery. Barries biggest halloween yard haunt

Halloweens coming and were still looking for a few more volenteer actor/actresses. To help us put on our display. Depending on what school you go to students can earm there community hours with us. I nust need to lnow what school you go to and I can call and comfirm.

Looking for people for

The cemetery.
The carnevil.
Someone to help with the front door and the donations.
And a few extra people to help where needed.

Must have own costume and makeup and own transportation.

Food from papa johns will be provided.

If you can help 1 day or all 4 please send us a message.
Our hours are

Oct 28-30 5:30-9
Oct 31 5:30-10

Ways to contact us.
Through facebook

Social Media Links

Everest Cemetery’s Volunteer Opportunities

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You really can change the world if you care enough.
Marion Wright Edelman

Contact Everest Cemetery

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18 Northpark Rd, Barrie, Ontario L4m2j3

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