Concerned Friends of Ontario Citizens in Care Facilities

Organization Type: Social & Community Services
Address: Barrie, Ontario
Contact: Kristle Calisto-Tavares

Concerned Friends of Ontario Citizens in Care Facilities Logo

Established in 1980, Concerned Friends, a registered charity has been active across Ontario communities for over 40 years. Representing a vibrant and growing community we are committed to our mission: to advance the health and well-being and enrich the experiences of those living in long-term care homes across Ontario.

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Concerned Friends of Ontario Citizens in Care Facilities’s Volunteer Opportunities

Concerned Friends Director at Large

Organization: Concerned Friends of Ontario Citizens in Care Facilities
Category: Social and Community Service
Description: What’s the opportunity? As a Director at Large, you will join an active operational Board of Directors committed to advancing the health and well-being and enriching the experiences of those …Read More

Concerned Friends Board Treasurer

Organization: Concerned Friends of Ontario Citizens in Care Facilities
Category: Social and Community Service
Description: What’s the opportunity? As Board Treasurer, you will join an active operational Board of Directors to lead the financial strategy, management and accountability of the organization. …Read More
Those who can, do. Those who can do more, volunteer.
Author Unknown

Contact Concerned Friends of Ontario Citizens in Care Facilities

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Barrie, Ontario

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