Organization Name: JA Central Ontario
Category: Education / Training / Teaching
Commitment: Less than 6 months, 6 months to 1 year, Ongoing Opportunity (> 1 year), One Day / Special Event
Start Date: January 18, 2022
End Date: January 28, 2099

Email: bnicol@jacentralontario.org
Website: https://www.jacentralontario.org/
  • Appropriate for volunteers aged between 18 and 55
  • Appropriate for volunteers aged 55 and over
Opportunity Description:

Using our highly interactive education programs you will aid students in developing necessary business and life skills, to enter tomorrows’ workforce. Acting as a resource, facilitator, motivator and role model you will facilitate a Junior Achievement program in the classroom for a day. Please note that, currently, our volunteer experiences are entirely virtual and you would be delivering a modified version of our full-day programs. These modified versions take 90-minutes to present. You and a colleague/friend can sign up together, we can match you with a partner, or you can volunteer on your own. We have multiple programs to choose from, depending on your interests and skills. The following elementary school programs are always in high demand: *More than Money (Grades 3-6) In JA’s More than Money program, students are introduced to the intersection of financial literacy, entrepreneurship and social studies learning objectives. Throughout the program students will have the opportunity to think like an entrepreneur and develop business strategy and money-management skills that they can apply to a simulated business. *Our Business World (Grades 5-6) In JA’s Our Business World program, students explore how businesses are created and what makes them thrive. Using games and multimedia, students learn about innovation, start-ups and self-employment *Dollars with Sense (Grade 7) In JA’s Dollars With Sense program, students get the vital tools they need to make smart financial decisions, live debt-free and become savvy investors. Students learn personal money management skills that they can apply to their lives, beginning now. *Economics for Success (Grade 8) In JA’s Economics for Success program, students take a closer look at the advantages of staying in school, as well as learn what’s needed to succeed in today’s workforce. Volunteers from the local business community partner with classroom teachers to help students see the link between education and achieving their goals. WHEN WILL YOU BE VOLUNTEERING? Volunteer dates are on weekdays during school hours. Please register online at: https://jaco.force.com/s/ or contact Britton Nicol (she/her), Manager, Community volunteers directly at bnicol@jacentralontario.org WHEN DO YOU RECEIVE TRAINING? Volunteer training dates are available throughout the school year. During the online registration process, you can select a training date. Please note, training is held via teleconference. These training sessions last approximately one hour. Skills And Experience Required Good communication skills, facilitation experience is desired, but not required, personable, outgoing and enjoys working with young learners. Presently, our volunteer opportunities are entirely virtual so a familiarity with technology is an asset. How to Apply / Contact Britton Nicol (she/her) bnicol@jacentralontario.org Please register online at the following link: https://jaco.force.com/s/

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